[Dovecot] sent-mail

Ron Leach ronleach at tesco.net
Fri Sep 17 17:06:16 EEST 2010

dhottinger at harrisonburg.k12.va.us wrote:
> I have had a 
> few users complaining that their emails are not being copied to their 
> sent-mail folder.  Im not sure how widespread it is, mainly because most 
> people dont check their sent-mail. 

ddh, I imagine you have already checked this, but I mention it in case 
you had not done so, yet.

We've had this reported but it has never - for us - been a problem 
with Dovecot.  Instead, the user's settings in his/her MUA create the 
problem.  TB, for example, lets users choose whether mail 'sent' in 
reply to something should be placed in 'sent' folder, or in the folder 
  containing the message being replied to.  So, the sent mail goes 
somewhere the user did not expect, and later they cannot find it (and 
panic and lose confidence in the system).  But (so far) it is always 
there.  IIRC, TB always tries to place 'new thread' sent messages in 
'sent'.  I'm not familiar with Outlook.

We encourage our users to store their sent messages in a suitable 
'subject' folder - such as project23, or sales, or whatever - together 
with inbound messages relating to that topic.  This seems to help our 
users notice if 'sent' messages are missing.


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