[Dovecot] Vpopmail support broken

Matt Brookings matt at inter7.com
Wed Sep 22 18:41:23 EEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

My apologies if I'm posting for information which has already been
supplied to the list.  I searched and all I found was people talking
about the change in 2.0.3, but no details on the commit other than "I
was tired of people telling me it crashes".

We have not received any reports for the 5.4 or 5.5 branch of vpopmail
causing crashes in Dovecot.  That being said, if there is a problem,
we would like to provide a fix.

Again, if details on the specifics of the problem have been supplied,
I apologize.  Can anyone please provide me some reproduction details
for Dovecot 2.0.3's vpopmail plugin compiled against vpopmail 5.4.30+
or 5.5.0?

Removing the "vpopmail support broken" line from the configure script,
compiling and running seemed to work short-term.  I was able to
authenticate against the vpopmail plugin.  I tested with vpopmail
5.4.32 and 5.5.0 using the cdb authentication module.

- -- 
    Matt Brookings <matt at inter7.com>       GnuPG Key FAE0672C
    Software developer                     Systems technician
    Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.     (815)776-9465
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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