[Dovecot] Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands

Steve Fatula compconsultant at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 21 00:38:25 EEST 2011

Using current Apple mail 4.5 as client to Dovecot 2.0.13

I see lots of these messages in the log file for one machine and account. Near as I can tell, the client still works (it's mine), but, the messages concern me.

Is there some known issue with Apple mail, or, if not, how to capture the information needed to debug?

Sample log entires for my user matching on the message:

Aug 20 16:28:36 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=3242/14672
Aug 20 16:28:43 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=14219/231327
Aug 20 16:29:50 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=640/1968
Aug 20 16:29:57 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=3521/2024
Aug 20 16:30:04 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=6690/3415
Aug 20 16:30:05 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=5098/15294
Aug 20 16:30:06 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=706/15684


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