[Dovecot] mbox, hierarchical folders/folders and IMAP

Alexander Chekalin achekalin at lazurit.com
Fri Dec 23 18:00:48 EET 2011


I'm now dealing with funny problem. I try to use Dovecot (2.1.rc1, 
actually) and mbox format to store old mailing, to keep logic of "one 
folder = one file".

If I'd choose Maildir, I'd be able to create hierarchical folders (like 
"OldMail -> Maillists -> Dovecot"), and in fact on disk such a folders 
would be stored as real folders with dots in their names. In PHP it is 
easy to create with "imap_createmailbox()" function, I'd simple fire it 
3 times (for "OldMail", for "OldMail.Maillists" and for 

But when I do the same with mbox, in fact it creates separate files 
(indeed, named "OldMail", "OldMail.Maillists" and 
"OldMail.Maillists.Dovecot") instead of creating filesystem folders 
("OldMail/Maillists/Dovecot"). PHP is not guilty, Thunderbird won't 
create such folders as well. I can only create folders myself (say, with 
mkdir in the shell), chown it, and the it perfectly works in IMAP.

Now I just wanted to know, are there any way to create IMAP-folders and 
subfolders using standard IMAP functionality?

Thank you,

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