[Dovecot] May 05 07:20:21 imap: Warning: Time jumped forwards 16 seconds

Bruno Tréguier Bruno.Treguier at shom.fr
Fri May 6 00:13:23 EEST 2011

Le 05/05/2011 à 21:27, Rick Romero a écrit :

> I thought everyone knew that if you removed the 1.55v watch battery from
> the motherboard, you could put in a 1.6v battery and time will run
> faster. Then just use ntpdate - time will never jump forward, and
> dovecot won't crash.
> :D


As Timo just stated, you definitely should run ntpd, which tries to 
adjust the clock's pace smoothly, instead of ntpdate, which abruptly 
changes the clock and should only be used *before* starting ntpd 
(typically at service startup), to catch up a difference too big for 
ntpd to handle in a reasonable time.

If time moves backwards, Dovecot will not crash, but will kill itself, 
which in the end amounts to pretty much the same. ;-)


Best regards,


- Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine - DO/MGS/INF
-  13, rue du Chatellier -  CS 92803  - 29228 Brest Cedex 2, FRANCE
-     Phone: +33 2 98 22 17 49  -  Email: Bruno.Treguier at shom.fr

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