[Dovecot] Rare error with concurrent users searching with fts-solr

Antonio Perez-Aranda aperezaranda at yaco.es
Thu Oct 13 11:31:29 EEST 2011

Hi all,

If I start two o more connections with diferent users that make a
search text to solr I get this message many times:

Error: fts_solr: Query didn't return uid

If I repeat the test about 2000 times, with only one user concurrent,
with 60 diferent users, without concurrent, I get between 0.

If I repeat the test about 2000 times, with 2 users concurrent, I get
between 3 or 10 errors.

If I repeat the test about 2000 times, with 4 users concurrent, I get
between 10-20 errors.

After see this error, I set a tcpdump to try to watch the SOLR XML and
GET, I can watch that Solr send a xml like this:


with 200 as http status

When the normal response is like this

<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">1</int>
<lst name="params">
     <str name="fl">uid,score</str>
     <str name="sort">uid asc</str>
     <str name="q">BLABLABLA</str>
     <str name="fq">+user:"ANYUSER" +uidv:1208469916 +box:"ANYFOLDER"
-ns:[* TO *]</str>
     <str name="rows">1</str>
      <result name="response" numFound="0" start="0" maxScore="0.0"/>

At first, I think that the problems it's in Solr, but after get all
GET from tcpdump, I make a python script with urllib2 and send it all
to Solr with the same concurrency and I can't get any error or "empty

Have someone made a intensive concurrency tests over Dovecot + Solr ?

Antonio Pérez-Aranda Alcaide
aperezaranda at yaco.es

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