[Dovecot] outlook 2007 very slow.

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Tue Sep 20 13:21:50 EEST 2011

On 2011-09-19 7:03 PM, Linda Walsh <dovecot at tlinx.org> wrote:
> Another problem -- AFAIK, outlook is only 32bit. My mom gets
> harassed, constantly to move things out of her primary .pst file and
> into 'archives', (where she can't easily access them and they don't
> have to be indexed...) because, the internal format became more
> strained as it got larger. With 6G of folders, indexing those, your
> user might be hitting outlook memory problems (not running out, but
> 'thrashing')...

Outlook < 2007 were limited to 2GB .pst files.

 > 2007 could use max of 20GB .pst files, although in my experience it 
gets slow/sluggish with more than 10GB (and keep good backups, .pst 
files can get corrupted if you look at them too hard)...

IMAP support got much better in 2007, and is even better in 2010, but 
Outlook still only really shines as an Exchange client, and that is the 
way Microsoft wants it (and understandably so)...

Personally, I would only use Outlook in an Exchange environment, never 
as a standalone email client, although it's calendar is much better than 
Thunderbird+Lightning I'm sad to say...


Best regards,


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