[Dovecot] outlook 2007 very slow.

Jerry dovecot.user at seibercom.net
Wed Sep 28 17:04:47 EEST 2011

On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 09:03:18 -0400
Charles Marcus articulated:

> On 2011-09-27 6:42 PM, Jerry <dovecot.user at seibercom.net> wrote:
> > I have always found Outlook to be much faster than TB. In any case,
> > Outlook 2007 is an old version. I am using the 2010 version at work
> > and it is a much more polished application than the 2010 version
> > and far superior to TB.
> That's funny - I find Outlooks email UI to be horrible. And HTML
> support relies on Word's HTML rendering engine? Give me a break...
> Outlook's calendar is definitely superior, but as an email client it
> is only useful when it is used in a full blown Exchange environment.
> As an IMAP client, it blows chunks.

Like all things, the usefulness of any application can only be truly
measured in the context of the end user's environment. I virtually
never use HTML e-mail myself. There are a few publications that I
subscribe to that supply their material in HTML format; however, they
all also list a URL to view the material. I prefer to use that method
instead. E-mail, in my opinion, is a poor environment for HTML.

MS Outlook's calender is the best available. I find Outlook's interface
easy to use. Then again, I am quite familiar with it so that would only
be natural.

You fail to mention what version of Outlook you are referring to so
there is no way I can gather any useful data from your analysis other to
state that I have never used any version of TB that I found as useful as
a comparative version of Outlook. If it is Outlook 2007, then perhaps
this comparison of products should be restricted to a four year old
version of TB also. I think I can safely say without fear of
contradiction that, that is not something anyone would readily want to

In any case, the idiom, "better the devil you know than the devil you
don't" is apropos to this thread.

Jerry ✌
Dovecot.user at seibercom.net

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