[Dovecot] outlook 2007 very slow.

Kui Zhang kuizhang at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 23:00:27 EEST 2011

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Stan Hoeppner <stan at hardwarefreak.com> wrote:
> On 9/27/2011 4:50 PM, Kui Zhang wrote:
>>> I think if you disable the new local indexing features in TB then it
>>> should start running fairly decently?
>> I had indexing disabled... that did not help much.
>> TB work better after I have these settings...
>> mail.imap.expunge_after_delete true
>> mail.imap.expunge_option 2
>> mail.server.default.autosync_offline_stores false
>> mail.server.default.offline_download false
>> mail.server.default.autosync_max_age_days 14
>> I think mail.imap.expunge_after_delete might have caused mdbox limit
>> problem I had before... but not confirmed.
> What, exactly, was the nature of the performance problem you originally
> mentioned to start this thread, the mailbox with the thousands of sub
> folders?

This thread might be getting little off topic.

It was for inotify loop on server side during idle (outlook 2k7), with
approximate 2.1k folders.

> With GLODA and local synchronization disabled, using 1 IMAP connection
> instead of the default 5, disabling IDLE and using check interval seconds,
> and using the default:

I have not notice looping on idle when client using Thunderbird. So it
might be outlook specific.

> mail.server.default.check_all_folders_for_new   FALSE

Not feasible. Few folders need to be checked periodically...

> then you should have excellent performance with TB regardless of the number
> of folders in a mailbox.  Unless maybe the hardware or net pipe are lacking.

Ya, but TB would be doing less work.

> What are the specs of the client machine in question?  What CPU/freq. Maybe
> more importantly, what is the link speed of the network between this PC and
> the Dovecot server?  LAN or WAN?

avg ttl = 0.5ms
Sustain 10-12MB/s, concurrent connections, from 5+ workstations.

No load issues recorded on the server side.

The clients have 8GB of ram, athlon II X4 640 quad core. they should
have enough juice...

On an athlon 3200, 2G Ram, I did some tests on an account, with 3GB on
disk, approximate 100k emails, and 30 folders.

on the client side, when no mail client running.
450-500MB ram used.
CPU at 1-2%

TB hangs on start up, for extent period of time. cpu at 100%, ram at 1
- 1.2 GB used. CPU usage almost always at 100%. And it hangs from time
to time. The client side disk usage for TB is around 200MB… why would
it need 500MB of ram? This is something I will bring up with the
thunderbird people.

With claws-mail, cpu goes up depending on amount of email in the
folder. And cpu usage drop almost immediately after folder switch.
around 480 – 520 MB ram used. So the client box is not too slow.


> --
> Stan

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