[Dovecot] dovecot and unison

FZiegler zarf at klacto.net
Tue Apr 3 02:02:17 EEST 2012

I am successfully using dovecot purely as a personal local mail store on 
my desktop. (There is only one account, and it's only ever accessed by 
local mail clients on the machine. The point is to have a common store I 
can use with any client; plus, I prefer dovecot's Mailbox storage to 
Thunderbird's mboxes.)

Now I'd like if possible, to replicate this setup on my laptop and keep 
both in sync with unison (http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/), 
which I am already using to sync much of my home dir about once a day.

I found at least one positive message regarding this topic 
(http://dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2010-April/048092.html), but I feel I 
could use some more advice.

Namely, which of the ancillary files should I be syncing (or perhaps 
deleting before sync)? In addition to the mails themselves I'm seeing:

-rw-------   1 fz  501     13 Apr  1 17:10 dovecot-keywords
-rw-------   1 fz  501   2483 Apr  1 17:10 dovecot-uidlist
-rw-------   1 fz  501   1040 Mar 29 14:50 dovecot.index
-rw-------   1 fz  501  44032 Apr  1 17:10 dovecot.index.cache
-rw-------   1 fz  501   9772 Apr  1 17:10 dovecot.index.log

and at the top level (in .local/var/Maildir/):

-rw-------   1 fz  501      8 Apr  1 17:10 dovecot-uidvalidity
-r--r--r--   1 fz  501      0 Apr  1 17:10 dovecot-uidvalidity.4efb323d
-rw-------   1 fz  501   3288 Apr  1 17:10 dovecot.mailbox.log
-rw-------   1 fz  501   4104 Mar 28 10:53 dovecot.mailbox.log.2
-rw-------   1 fz  501   5114 Apr  1 17:10 subscriptions

In my naive trials I ended up at least once in a situation where 
Thunderbird would not see some subfolders (even though they were there). 
That's since fixed but I guess my question is, what's the safe 
recommended way to not have this happen?


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