[Dovecot] zlib plugin maildir broken ?/ Cached message size smaller than expected

Robert Schetterer robert at schetterer.org
Wed Aug 1 15:25:00 EEST 2012

Am 01.08.2012 14:17, schrieb Timo Sirainen:
> On 1.8.2012, at 15.12, Robert Schetterer wrote:
>> Am 01.08.2012 14:06, schrieb Timo Sirainen:
>>> See what you get by running the maildir through:
>>> http://dovecot.org/tools/maildir-size-check.sh
>> tons of i.e
>> Freunde/cur/1321795242.M359794P29783.mail02,S=2647728:2,S: Wrong
>> S=2647728 value, should be S=3838835
> If you don't mind the messages' IMAP UIDs changing, you could give the -f parameter to fix those.

i will try things couldn not get more worst
> (There is also http://dovecot.org/tools/maildir-size-fix.pl which I of course noticed only after writing the whole script. That perl script should preferably be modified to support compressed mails 

jep compressed is a must have

and do those other checks, since it updates the uidlists and doesn't
cause UIDs to change.)

i will report next using script

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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