[Dovecot] Deleting metadata smashes file dovecot.dict

Andre Gröbe andre.groebe at fun.de
Tue Aug 21 13:10:17 EEST 2012

Hi Timo,

thx for reply.

[tss at iki.fi; Mo 20 Aug 2012 20:22:58 CEST]
>> Is there a fix so dovecot reads a line until EOL or EOF (if this is the real reason)?
> Without having actually looked at the code, I'd guess you can just replace IO_BLOCK_SIZE
 > with (size_t)-1.

Unfortunatly this can't be a fix because in file_set_size() dovecot 
defines an array 'char block[IO_BLOCK_SIZE]'. On the other hand the 
default block size is predestined for file ops.

Best regards

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