[Dovecot] Something is strange - perhaps my AMD processors ?

Alessio Cecchi alessio at skye.it
Mon Feb 20 09:26:25 EET 2012

Il 16/02/2012 02:04, Finn B ha scritto:
> Moi Timo / all.
> I've been using Dovecot on my Qmailtoaster production mailserver for
> some years - since 1.0.7 and current Version 2.0.10 - works perfectly.
> Now I am installing a backupsystem and a VM testsystem (2 boxes) - and
> no matter how and what Version I am installing on these 2 boxes I get
> below messages whenever I try to test connection with Telnet (localhost
> 110 / 995).
> I have tried to install all Dovecot versions from 2.010 to 2.018 as
> rpms, yums and as source and compiled it.
> It's on Centos5.7 (64) with Qmailtoaster (which I have installed as I
> have done many times before)
> I have tried to copy all my settings from my current production system
> (Centos 5.7, latest and greatest versions of qmailtoaster and Dovecot
> 2.0.10) - nothing helps.
> Now I come to think of it I realize that my production system is intel
> based and the 2 new ones are AMD based and wonder if this may be the case ?
> Dovecot.log
> master: Error: Service(auth): command startup failed, throttling
> log: Error: Service(auth): child 1859 returned error 89 (Fatal failure)
> pop3-login: Error: Timeout waiting for handshake from auth server. my
> pid=1858, input bytes=0
> Regards,
> Finn B

Hi, can you check if your vpopmail is build with 
"--disable-auth-logging" option? If yes first rebuild vpopmail without 
this options, rebuild dovecot and check again.

Alessio Cecchi is:
@ ILS -> http://www.linux.it/~alessice/
on LinkedIn -> http://www.linkedin.com/in/alessice
Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux -> http://www.cecchi.biz/
@ PLUG -> ex-Presidente, adesso senatore a vita, http://www.prato.linux.it
@ LOLUG -> Socio http://www.lolug.net

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