[Dovecot] Failing: doveadm sync <--remote host--> dsync mirror

Michael Grimm trashcan at odo.in-berlin.de
Thu Feb 23 21:55:55 EET 2012

Hi --

On 21.02.2012, at 23:03, Michael Grimm wrote:
> On 21.02.2012, at 22:57, Timo Sirainen wrote:

>> Probably intentional. Even if it didn't give that error message, it would fail because v2.0 and v2.1 uses a slightly different protocol (I thought about making it backwards compatible, but that seemed like too much work and too much ugliness to code).
> Ok. Then I will try both servers upgraded to 2.1 within the next days.

JFTR: It took me some time to find a working syntax ;-) 

My working 2.0.18 syntax threw the following error:

	vmail> dsync -v -f -u test ssh vmail at remote-host.tld dsync -v -f -u test
	doveadm(vmail): Fatal: Unknown print formatter: -u
	dsync-local(test): Error: read() from worker server failed: EOF

Omitting '-f' or '-v -f' results in: 

	vmail> dsync -v -u test ssh vmail at remote-host.tld dsync -v -u test
	dsync: illegal option -- u
	dsync-local(test): Error: read() from worker server failed: EOF

Now I switched to the recommended new syntax as stated in http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Upgrading/2.1:

	vmail> doveadm sync -v -f -u test ssh vmail at remote-host.tld doveadm sync -v -f -u test
	doveadm: illegal option -- v
	doveadm sync [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] [-fR] [-m <mailbox>] <dest>

ok, following those hints:

	vmail> doveadm sync -u test -f ssh vmail at remote-host.tld doveadm sync -u test
	ssh: Could not resolve hostname dsync-server: hostname nor servname provided, or not known
	dsync-local(test): Error: read() from worker server failed: EOF
	dsync-local(test): Error: read() from worker server failed: EOF

Hmm, 'man doveadm' doesn't show 'sync', and 'man sync' shows old syntax. Luckily, I remembered finding an mail of yours in http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2012-January/062933.html :

	|>>> dsync mirror -> doveadm mirror
	|>>> dsync backup -> doveadm backup
	|>>> dsync server -> doveadm dsync-server (could be hidden from the doveadm commands list)
	| I did this now, with mirror -> sync.

After some trial by error I finally found a working syntax:

	vmail> doveadm sync -u test -f ssh vmail at remote-host.tld doveadm dsync-server -u test

>>> but as long I didn't get your http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Upgrading/2.1 wrong, it *should* work that way.
>> Added it there.

Therefore you might add a warning about different syntax as well?

Please, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. This mail is JFTR, only. And, this mail might help others to save some time after an upgrade to 2.1 and those who mirror mailboxes sitting at different servers.

Thanks and regards,

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