[Dovecot] Released Pigeonhole v0.3.0 for Dovecot v2.1.0

Stephan Bosch stephan at rename-it.nl
Thu Feb 16 23:29:56 EET 2012

Hello Dovecot users,

Now that Dovecot v2.1.0 is out there, I release Pigeonhole v0.3.0. The 
most significant new features are support for the Sieve editheader 
extension and the sieve-filter tool. I haven't received much feedback on 
these new features, which can either mean that they are mostly bug-free 
or that not many people have tried these, so these are still considered 

Changelog v0.3.0:

  * Renamed sieve_global_path setting to sieve_default for clarity. Old
    name is still recognized for backwards compatibility. Support for
    the ancient (pre v1.1) name for this setting "global_script_path" is
    now dropped.
  * Added means to prohibit use of redirect action. Setting
    sieve_max_redirects to 0 now means that redirect is disallowed in
    stead of unlimited. Default value remains four.
  * Fixed interaction of Sieve include extension with ManageSieve. It is
    updated to match new requirements in the draft include
    specification. Missing included scripts are no longer an error at
    upload time.
  * Updated RFC2822 header field body verification to exclude
    non-printing characters (RFC5322). Only Sieve actions that can
    create unstructured header values (currently enotify/mailto and
    editheader) are affected by this change.
  + Completed sieve-filter tool to a useful state. The sieve-filter tool
    provides a means to (re)filter messages in a mailbox through a Sieve
  + Implemented the Sieve editheader extension. It is now possible to
    add and remove message headers from within Sieve.
  + ManageSieve: added support for reading quoted and literal strings as
    a stream. Fixes support for handing large SASL responses (analogous
    to similar changes in Dovecot). It is now also allowed to use a
    quoted string for the  PUTSCRIPT script argument.
  + Added code to cleanup tmp directory in Sieve storage directory
    (sieve_dir) every once in a while.
  + Added support for substituting the entire message during Sieve
    processing. This is used for the filter action provided by the new
    sieve_extprograms plugin (provided separately for now). The filter
    action allows passing the message through an external program.
  + Added support for restricting certain Sieve language extensions to
    (admin-controled) global scripts. Restricted extensions can be
    configured using the new sieve_global_extensions setting. This is
    particularly useful for some of the Dovecot-specific (plugin-based)
    Sieve extensions, that can be somewhat hazardous when under direct
    control of users (e.g. sieve_extprograms).

The release is available as follows:


Refer to http://pigeonhole.dovecot.org and the Dovecot v2.x wiki for 
more information. Have fun testing this new release and don't hesitate 
to notify me when there are any problems.


Stephan Bosch
stephan at rename-it.nl

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