[Dovecot] Providing shared folders with multiple backend servers

Sven Hartge sven at svenhartge.de
Mon Jan 9 22:24:09 EET 2012

Timo Sirainen <tss at iki.fi> wrote:
> On 9.1.2012, at 22.13, Sven Hartge wrote:
>> Timo Sirainen <tss at iki.fi> wrote:
>>> On 9.1.2012, at 21.45, Sven Hartge wrote:
>>>>>> |   location = imapc:~/imapc-shared
>>>> What is the syntax of this location? What does "imapc-shared" do in
>>>> this case?
>>> It's the directory for index files. The backend IMAP server is used
>>> as a rather dummy storage, so if for example you do a FETCH 1:*
>>> BODYSTRUCTURE command, all of the message bodies are downloaded to
>>> the user's Dovecot server which parses them. But with indexes this
>>> is done only once (same as with any other mailbox format). If you
>>> want SEARCH BODY to be fast, you'd also need to use some kind of
>>> full text search indexes.
>>> If your users share the same UID (or 0666 mode would probably work
>>> too), you could share the index files rather than make them
>>> per-user.  Then you could use imapc:/shared/imapc or something.
>> Hmm. Yes, this is a fully virtual setup, every users mail is owned by
>> the virtmail user. Does this sharing of index files have any security
>> or privacy issues?

> There are no privacy issues, at least currently, since there is no
> per-user data. If you had wanted per-user flags this wouldn't have
> worked.

OK. I think I will go with the per-user index files for now and pay the
extra in bandwidth and processing power needed.

All in all, of 10,000 users, only about 100 use shared folders.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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