[Dovecot] IMAP maillog error: file lib.c: line 37 (nearest_power): assertion failed: (num <= ((size_t)1 << (BITS_IN_SIZE_T-1)))

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Sun Jan 15 14:40:05 EET 2012

On 2012-01-14 3:17 PM, Charles Thompson <mail at kinesis.me> wrote:
> Version information :
> root at hostname[/etc/rc.d/rc3.d]# dovecot --version ; dovecot -n ; cat
> /etc/*release*
> 0.99.11


0.99 is simply way, way, *way* too old to waste any time helping you.

The short answer is - *upgrade* to a more recent version (at *least* the 
latest 1.2.x series, but preferably 2.0.16)...

Be sure to read all of the docs on upgrading, because you *will* have 
some reconfiguring to do...

*Then*, if you have any questions/issues, by all means come back and ask...


Best regards,


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