[Dovecot] dovecot Digest, Vol 105, Issue 57

Arun Gupta arung at cdac.in
Thu Jan 26 07:13:07 EET 2012

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your reply and I really  agreed your point about 'reject mail 
for users over quota', but I don't want to do it if it is possible to 
without reject mails to deliver mails from spool to user's home directory 
automatically, kindly provide solution. I will be highly obliged all of 


Thanks & Regards,

Arun Kumar Gupta

> 	formate) automatically
> Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.1.10.1201251327580.7664 at flfnqz.fnat.pqnp.va>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; format=flowed; charset=US-ASCII
> Hi,
> I am using dovecot 2.0.16, and assigend globally procmailrc
> (/etc/procmailrc) which delivers mails to user's home directory in maildir
> formate. Also I assined quota to User through setquota (edquota) command,
> If the quota excedded then this case user's mail store to
> /var/spool/mail/user. After incresing quota how to delivered these mails
> to user's home dir in maildir formate automatically.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Arun Kumar Gupta

Best practice is to reject mail for users over quota (as long as you do
this during the smtp transaction...

Otherwise, whats the point? (they can still fill up your server)...


Best regards,


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