[Dovecot] Getting Postfix Admin's DB to work with Postfix's/Dovecot's MySQL DB

Robert Schetterer robert at schetterer.org
Wed May 16 13:37:47 EEST 2012

Am 16.05.2012 09:52, schrieb Femi Ajayi:
> #2. Roundcube came with its own database, which also stores user
> information.
> Is there a way to ensure that the user information is picked from the
> database created to work with Postfix (and not Roundcube's)?

roundcube normally needs its db for internal work
but its a webmail client , so it can be configured in many ways
but as standard it uses auth over imap to configured imap server
so there is no real relation between the roundcube db , and i.e
postfixadmin db
Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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