[Dovecot] managesieve problem

Stephan Bosch stephan at rename-it.nl
Wed Sep 5 14:16:19 EEST 2012

Op 9/5/2012 1:00 PM, Léon Keijser schreef:
> Hi,
> I'm using roundcube in combination with postfix (2.6.6), dovecot (2.0.9)
> and pigeonhole (2.0.9). All works well except sieve. I've already posted
> on the roundcube forum
> (http://www.roundcubeforum.net/index.php/topic,9690.0.html ) but was
> told I should ask here since it's more likely a dovecot issue rather
> than roundcube.
> Before I paste any configuration files, I wanted to ask first if this is
> a common/known issue. Else, please let me know what additional
> information I should provide.

The issue does look familiar and most likely it is already solved. But, 
the latest release of Dovecot v2.0 is v2.0.21, making your version ancient.

Upgrade first.



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