[Dovecot] different userdb and/or passdb for lmtp and pop3/imap?

Gábor Lénárt lgb at lgb.hu
Thu Sep 6 14:06:34 EEST 2012

Hi Again,

On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 12:20:26PM +0200, Gábor Lénárt wrote:
> I am also confused, because on receiving a mail (via LMTP) different
> kind of LDAP lookup is needed: then mail must be searched, but it's
> storageMailUid based lookup in case of pop3 or imap login ... Is it
> possible to give different userdb/passdb for lmtp and pop3/imap?

Ok, after some "serious" google usage, I found a message in the mail list
archive, that it helps to put userdb/passdb section inside the protocol
specific part of the configuration.  So I have something now like this:

protocol pop3 {
protocol imap {
protocol lmtp {
	passdb {
	userdb {
passdb {
userdb {

I have the idea, that in this way, lmtp should use dbs specified in the lmtp
specific protocol settings, any other stuffs will use the settings at the
"root level" of the configuration (this also includes iteration specific

However eg if I try to deliver a mail through lmtp in this way to a
non-existing mail user, I can see in the logs, that lmtp after trying the
specific dbs, it will also try the "global" ones, which is not good for me,
as it can cause mis-deliveries instead of rejecting (as I have "some at thing"
formatted %u for both of uid and mail but often they are not the same for
the same user).

I would be able to put db specifications into pop3 and imap (so not "global"
configuration for them) but I guess in this case other services may (?)
fail, like doveadm stuffs with CLI swtich -A (or am I wrong here?). Also
it's not as nice, since then I must duplicate the same db specifications in
both of imap and pop3 protocol specification parts of the configuration even
they are the very same.

Is there any idea to fix this little problem and/or a suggestion to solve my
problem in a more elegant way than I tried to do?

Thanks a lot in advance.

- Gábor

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