[Dovecot] problem about pop3 using dovecot

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sat Sep 8 16:47:41 EEST 2012

Am 08.09.2012 15:43, schrieb bmalik:
> i only upgraded dovecot from 1.x to 2.1.x.
> i didn't change any settings over server. after dovecot service restart, my
> keep mails on the server, i got  again to the outlook. that's my test server
> but i am going to migrate soon. but i don't want to get duplicate mails.
> How can i prevent ?

again: you can NOT

POP3 and leave on server depends on the client having a
list of message-UUIDs which are already received and it
is not uncommon that they are changing due major upgrades
on the server


this is the only solution and will ever be
that is why the client offers "delete after X days from server"

smarter clients like thunderbird are defaulting to 14 days
not so smart client sleaves their messages forever on the server
this is wasting ressources, leads to your troubles and that is
why users should learn to look at the options of their sofwtare
and try to understand basics who things are working or live
with the resulsts if not doing so

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