[Dovecot] configuration still not working

Peer Heinlein p.heinlein at heinlein-support.de
Sat Jan 12 17:56:11 EET 2013

Am 12.01.2013 08:40, schrieb Averlon:


> setting, don't know what to do with it: /home/vmail/avadmin/?
> Ja?Maildir/ (try prefixing it with mbox: or
> maildir:)                                                                           

What is $HOME in your LDAP-records?

> I guess it must have to do something with permissions. Butwhere and which.

No, Looks like there are broken informations in your home-attribute in

Have a look at dovecot.conf.ext and/or in your LDAP settings.

Activate mail_debug=yes in your config and have a look in your logfile.

What does "doveadm user avadmin at av.loc" looks like?


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