[Dovecot] Quota not working with dict proxy

Chris Richards gizmo at giz-works.com
Thu May 16 23:37:52 EEST 2013

On Wed, May 15, 2013 9:15 pm, Daniel Parthey wrote:

> map {
>   pattern = priv/quota/storage      # dictionary for storage bytes
>   table = quota                     # table where to write storage count
>   username_field = username         # username of whom storage should be
> counted
>   value_field = bytes               # number of bytes in user mailbox
> }
> map {
>   pattern = priv/quota/messages     # dictionary for message count
>   table = quota                     # table where to write email count
>   username_field = username         # username whose emails should be
> counted
>   value_field = messages            # number of messages in user mailbox
> }
> Regards
> Daniel

I think more correctly, value_field is the name of the field in the db. 
The 'storage' dictionary will always contain bytes,and the 'messages'
dictionary will always store the number of messages into the db field
named by the 'value_field' parameter.

I would guess that if you changed the pattern to 'shared/quota/messages'
then you could set the shared quota as well.

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