[Dovecot] Dovecot replies with default SSL certificate instead of the vhost's

Anton Dollmaier antondollmaier at aditsystems.de
Mon Sep 16 11:24:29 EEST 2013


> why do people waste their time with such useless things instead setup
> "mail.yourcompany.tld" and tell every user exactly tjis hostname?

Could also bei simplefied by using AutoDiscovery (MS) or autoconfig 
(Thunderbird, Evolution).

e.g. by setting up www.automx.org.

> servernames in case of *email* are worthless becasue you do
> not have different document roots

Could be different "mail document roots", e.g. a distinct user base with 
different backends for each hostname :)

Best regards,



ADIT Systems
Anton Dollmaier, M.Sc.
Im Moos 22
84323 Massing
Telefon: +49-8724-3949990 (Mo-Sa, 10:00-20:00 Uhr, dt. Festnetz)
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