Panic: file istream.c: line 167 with 2.2.13 + istream.c/.h from dovecot-2-2-dffc6dd2be0d

Toni Mattila toni at
Wed Aug 20 16:10:26 UTC 2014


On 20.8.2014 16:58, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> I still can't reproduce. And I don't understand how it could get into that state. Can you still easily reproduce it with some specific mail? If so, could you send the mail to me (maybe with all the actual sensitive content replaced with 'x' letters or something)?

It still happens for users 1-2 times a day. I think it's due to that 
"Error: Maildir filename has wrong S value, renamed the file from" is 
only ran for first occurance.

So for some users that only have few broken sizes in maildir filenames 
they won't even notice it as after few crashes the mailbox is ok.

When only that first filename is renamed and index fixed for that one 
mail and user uses search it then crashes as some of the other mails 
have smaller on disk size than S=/index has.

The crashes also go away when index files are removed and that ran from your site for that particular user.


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