Strange quota warning behavior

Gordon Grubert gordon.grubert+lists at
Thu Oct 16 13:04:47 UTC 2014


we are using dovecot 2.2.14. So far, we used the following quota warning 

quota_rule = *:storage=10G
quota_warning  = storage=90%% quota-warning 90 %n
quota_warning2 = storage=80%% quota-warning 80 %n
quota_warning3 = storage=70%% quota-warning 70 %n

This works fine. Now, we wanted to add the all clear feature for the
quota warning by adding this line:

quota_warning4 = -storage=70%% quota-warning 70 %n below

The result is really strange.

Test 1:
70% exceeded: warning3 executed => OK

fall below 70%:
     quota_warning2 executed => NOT OK
     quota_warning4 executed => OK

Test 2:
70% exceeded: warning3 executed => OK
80% exceeded: warning2 executed => OK

fall below 80% (but still more than 70%):
     quota_warning executed => NOT OK

fall below 70%:
     quota_warning2 executed => NOT OK
     quota_warning4 executed => OK

At the moment, we are running the minimal configuration

quota_warning  = storage=70%% quota-warning 70 %n
quota_warning2 = -storage=70%% quota-warning 70 %n below

working like expected (warning when exceeding 70% and all clear when
falling below 70%).

Does anybody know if there is an error in our configuration or maybe, 
could this be a bug in dovecot?

Best regards,
Technischer Leiter & stellv. Direktor
Universitätsrechenzentrum (URZ)
E.-M.-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 12
17489 Greifswald

Tel. +49 3834 86 1456
Fax. +49 3834 86 1401

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