Indexing Mail faster

Thomas Leuxner tlx at
Sun Jan 25 16:19:17 UTC 2015

* A. Schulze <sca at> 2015.01.25 16:58:

> once setup correctly it works like expected :-)

> how do you separate older postings into the Archive?
> something like "doveadm search + move ?

Yes basically with move. I'd like to have them archived by year e.g. Public/Archive/Mailing-Lists/Dovecot/2014. Being lazy when it comes to repetitive tasks, I wrote a little script for it. It gives a good idea how to do it (hopefully). Please note that this only has minimal error handling as I'm setting most parameters in the script rather than the shell - butterfingers... No bashism comments please :)

$ cat 
# Archive old posts before certain date to 'Public/Archive/Mailbox/Year' 
# Set basic parameters accordingly:
# archive=2011, before_date=$year-mm-dd
# source_mailbox_base=Public/Newsletters
# dest_mailbox_base=Public/Archive/Newsletters
# Actual Mailbox is read from command line
set -e
let year=$archive+1
mailbox_owner=tlx at
acl_unlock_seq="$acl_admin_group delete expunge insert lookup post read write write-seen write-deleted"
acl_lock_seq="$acl_admin_group insert lookup post read write write-seen"
acl_lock_archive="$acl_admin_group insert lookup read write write-seen"
debug_acl_mailbox_path='path: '

msg_formatted() {
  echo "$(date "+%b %d %H:%M:%S") $*"

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "usage: $0 mailbox" >&2
    exit 1

# Mailbox exists?
doveadm acl get -u $mailbox_owner "$source_mailbox_base/$1" || { echo 'Mailbox not found.'; exit 1; }

# Create New Archive Mailbox
doveadm mailbox create -u $mailbox_owner "$dest_mailbox_base/$1/$archive"

# Modify ACL, expunge mail and revert ACL
msg_formatted "[>] Archiving \"$dest_mailbox_base/$1/$archive\""

doveadm acl set -u $mailbox_owner "$source_mailbox_base/$1" $acl_unlock_seq
doveadm move -u $mailbox_owner "$dest_mailbox_base/$1/$archive" mailbox "$source_mailbox_base/$1" before $before_date
doveadm acl set -u $mailbox_owner "$source_mailbox_base/$1" $acl_lock_seq

# Get actual path of dovecot-acl file and remove it as it is handled by global ACL
acl_path=$(doveadm acl debug -u $mailbox_owner "$source_mailbox_base/$1" 2>&1 | sed -n  "s/\(.*\)$debug_acl_mailbox_path//p") 

[ -f $acl_path/dovecot-acl ] && rm $acl_path/dovecot-acl

msg_formatted '[ Complete ]'
-------------- next part --------------
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