Why is Sieve trying to re-compile global scripts?

E.B. emailbuilder88 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 11 06:17:45 UTC 2015

> Not sure how I got it to go away last time.

Might have gotten it to go away by deleting the scripts, causing an
email delivery, THEN creating the scripts again.  

Although I think my ideas are all flawed:

I can delete the scripts and recreate and recompile all in the same
minute and I don't get errors.

I can cause the error to happen again by editing and recompiling
one of the files, *whether or not in the same minute* and I do get
the error.

This time around, deleting the files and recreating/recompiling
them even without an email delivery in between seems to fix
the error.

Might be unpredictable caching.  Might be the error didn't go away
last time I recreated due to different methods of creating the files.
Who knows, I think I should give up and stop spamming the list
with uneducated guesswork.

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