Failed running extprograms execute via socket - fatal recv(MSG_PEEK) failed disconnected

Stephan Bosch stephan at
Tue May 5 08:12:26 UTC 2015

E.B. schreef op 5-5-2015 om 9:40:
>>>> Last two changes should fix this:
>>> Not yet -- this may be unrelated(?) but here is what I have
>>> after installing the newest source package:
>>> Error: Couldn't load required plugin /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
>>> dlopen() failed: /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ undefined symbol:
>>> mail_deliver_ctx_get_log_var_expand_table
>> Oh i guessing this requires the newest Dovecot source too (maybe you
>> should put notice on the wiki that extprograms run-via-socket is broken until
>> a new release?)
>> After installed newest Dovecot and Sieve, I getting this:
>> dovecot: lmtp(test at Debug: auth input:
>> dovecot: lmtp(
>> testl at Fatal: master: service(lmtp): child
>> 7033 killed with signal 11 (core dumps disabled)
>> With set mail_debug=yes doesn't give anything else of interesting for this.
> Sorrys. I decided to "make clean" and do new "./configure" "make" and "make
> install" for dovecot first, then pigeonhole to make sure nothing is off. After
> I do that I get same original error:
> dovecot: script: Fatal: recv(MSG_PEEK) failed: disconnected
> I went to go verifying in dovecot-pigeonhole that the two new patches are there
> by manual inspect the source files you patched. I found only the first one, not
> maybe this
> because I downloaded a snap shot link at the top that wasn't built with the
> 2nd change?
> I put 2nd change in manually (its only one liner) rebuilded and after install.....
> same error with recv(MSG_PEEK)
Did you restart Dovecot?

Also, can you try running the script through `sieve-test -D -t - 
-Tlevel=matching` (see man page).



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