[PATCH 0/7] Fixes for lib-mail message-address

Aki Tuomi aki.tuomi at dovecot.fi
Thu Apr 21 11:10:05 UTC 2016

On 21.04.2016 13:50, Pali Rohár wrote:
> On Monday 11 April 2016 12:44:02 Pali Rohár wrote:
>> On Thursday 07 April 2016 16:11:12 Timo Sirainen wrote:
>>> On 06 Apr 2016, at 17:29, Pali Rohár <pali.rohar at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Monday 04 April 2016 19:35:22 Pali Rohár wrote:
>>>>> On Monday 04 April 2016 19:31:06 aki.tuomi at dovecot.fi wrote:
>>>>>> Can you please send them directly to me, please?
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Aki Tuomi
>>>>> Sent.
>>>> Received? Are patches OK now?
>>> It would be nice if each commit was accompanied with the corresponding unit test change in test-message-address.c. Now that the unit test changes are done in a separate commit I'm not really sure which test change is testing which commit or if some tests are missing. At least the "Quote and escape strings if needed" patch needs more tests for different kinds of escapes/atext/non-atext chars and =? in strings.
>> Ok. If you really need that I can rework my patches. But I'm thinking
>> what to do with tests... I have written lot of examples and tests
>> scenarios in perl for that new perl module. But dovecot test framework
>> is not easy to use as perl Test::More/Test::Spec and such complicated
>> tests which I have are really hard to write directory for dovecot...
>> Anyway, are you recofigured dovecot mailing list filter to finally
>> accept git patches? Now you have all emails, so you should know what hit
>> "drop" action and probably also how to fix it...

Please see the other test-*.c files for information on how the unit
tests are done.


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