special-use for virtual folder

Wolfgang Rosenauer wrosenauer at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 21:12:00 UTC 2016


I'm running two different Dovecot servers (actually more but those are
pretty similar and same versions 2.2.24).

Today I configured a virtual All folder on both:

namespace {
  location = virtual:/etc/dovecot/virtual:INDEX=~/virtual
  prefix = virtual.
  separator = .

  mailbox virtual.All {
    special_use = \All

On this system the special-use flag is not applied to the folder (checked
via LIST "" "*").

On the other system:
namespace {
  location = virtual:/etc/dovecot/virtual:INDEX=~/virtual
  prefix = virtual/
  separator = /
  mailbox virtual/All {
    special_use = \All

On the second system I can see
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \All) "/" virtual/All

Besides the separator I don't see a big difference between both

Any idea?


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