quota rules for mail users

mkawada at redhat.com mkawada at redhat.com
Wed Jun 15 00:20:27 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Is it possible to make quota rules under $HOME/Maildir/* mailboxes with 
a specific command such as 'edquota' when the first email arrives at the 
$HOME/Maildir/{new,cur,tmp} of a user. In the below example, the <UserB> 
is the one who gets an email for the first time.

edquota  -p  <UserA> <UserB>

---man edquot---
-p, --prototype=protoname
Duplicate the quotas of the prototypical user specified for each user 
specified. This is the normal mechanism used to initialize quotas for 
groups of users.

To configure quotas in postfix/dovecot environment, it seems that you 
need to use dovecot-lda plugin, and then my exact question is as follows:

Is it possible to automatically run any commands or scripts in order to 
set a quota rule to $HOME/Maildir/* mailboxes when users receive an 
email for the first time? I just found the post-login service allows you 
to execute scripts after authentication in the following URL, but I have 
not found the exact way to make it.


Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Masaharu Kawada

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