dsync unstable? (other strange detail)

Heiko Schlittermann hs at schlittermann.de
Mon Jun 27 05:28:59 UTC 2016


I'm trying to migrate from Cyrus (remote side) to Dovecot 2.2.24 (local).
On the local side the destinations folders, and indexes are empty.

The command I'm using is

doveadm \
        -o mail_plugins= \
        -o imapc_master_user=<cyrus-user> \
        -o imapc_password=<cyrus-password> \
        -o imapc_host=<cyrus-ip> \
        -o imapc_ssl_verify=no \
        -o imapc_ssl=imaps \
        -o imapc_port=993 \
        backup -f -u "heiko" -R imapc: \
        || {
                echo "EXIT: $rc" >&2
                exit $rc

On successive runs of the above command I get:

    dsync(heiko): Warning: Deleting mailbox 'Serververwaltung.Mailinglisten Anforderung': UID=16 GUID= is missing locally
    EXIT: 75
    dsync(heiko): Warning: Deleting mailbox 'Serververwaltung.Mailman': UID=2 GUID= is missing locally
    EXIT: 75
    dsync(heiko): Warning: Deleting mailbox 'Serververwaltung.Servermeldungen': UID=514 GUID= is missing locally
    EXIT: 75
    dsync(heiko): Warning: Deleting mailbox 'Serververwaltung.Servermeldungen.AIDE': UID=188292 GUID= is missing locally
    EXIT: 75 
    dsync(heiko): Warning: Deleting mailbox 'Serververwaltung.Servermeldungen.AIDE.AIDE - 2012': UID=9343 GUID= is missing locally
    EXIT: 75

Any idea where to look next? Is 'doveadm backup' the wrong tool for such
migration? (I'd say with about 2.2.9 I had similar problems, but at
least it didn't stop at every subfolder.)

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
 SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
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