building Dovecot in Debian 9

KT Walrus kevin at
Wed Apr 26 03:37:55 EEST 2017

> On Apr 25, 2017, at 7:54 PM, Peter van der Does <peter at> wrote:
> Kevin,
> Regarding the configuration error, your missing a package:
> zlib1g-dev

Thanks! I guess default-libmysqlclient-dev drags in zlib1g-dev for some reason that the Oracle package doesn’t. Everything builds with the Oracle libmysqlclient now, so I’m good to go. Thanks for your help.

> As far as the deprecation warning, it's a bit more complicated. The
> source of Dovecot needs to be patched to check for the OpenSSL version
> and depending on the version use a different DH_generate_numbers function.

Okay. Should I just ignore this then? I’m not actually going to do much with this build until Debian 9 is released and all the packages that I use have had time to be production hardened on Debian 9. I’m building against Ubuntu 16.04 for my actual work. I really want to use Debian 9 in production since it comes with OpenSSL 1.1.0e and I want to support the ChaCha20-Poly1305 ciphers for NGINX sessions (and maybe Dovecot too). <>

Any other comments on my Dockerfile? Since everything builds, I assume it uses sane options to build Dovecot. I couldn’t find any other example Dockerfiles for building Dovecot so just made this one up from other Dockerfiles that I use to build other images.

I’d really like to see an official Dovecot image in the Docker Hub and base my containers off that. I actually use s6-overlay and other extras in my real Dovecot image, but it would be nice to see a Dockerfile that is based on Alpine Linux too. Alpine seems to be the preferred distro for official Docker Hub images, as I understand it.


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