Migrating to sieve

Stephan Bosch stephan at rename-it.nl
Wed Feb 8 00:41:01 UTC 2017

Op 2/8/2017 om 1:27 AM schreef Adam Shostack:
> Hi,
> As I migrate to sieve, I would like to carry over the logic I had in
> procmail rules, which let me take all mail where I'd never sent email
> to that address into a final spam catchall, which I called
> "neversent."
> I see that sieve can't run external programs, and I wonder if that
> means I'm SOL, or is there an alternate approach that does roughly the
> same thing?
> (I understand the general security logic for that decision.  I have
> root access on the server in question if that helps.)
> Thank you for any help you can provide!




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