Bug: lmtp proxy does not quote local parts with spaces

David Zambonini dovecot-e51 at deemzed.uk
Thu Oct 26 13:20:44 EEST 2017

There seems to be a bug with RFC822 processing in ltmp proxying that doesn't
quote local parts that, for example, contain spaces.

director config:

director_username_hash = %Ln
lmtp_proxy             = yes
recipient_delimiter    = +

protocol lmtp {
        auth_socket_path       = director-userdb
        auth_username_chars    =
        auth_username_format   = %Ln
        passdb {
                driver                 = sql
                args                   = /etc/director/sql.d/lmtp.ext
                result_failure         = return-fail
                result_internalfail    = return-fail


password_query = SELECT 'y' AS proxy, NULL AS password, 'y' AS nopassword FROM
users WHERE userName='%Ln'

from exim -> director LMTP network dump:

MAIL FROM:<test at testdomain.com>\r\n
RCPT TO:<"deemzed.uk+Junk E-mail"@mailbox.localhost>\r\n

501 5.5.4 Invalid parameters\r\n


from director -> dovecot LMTP network dump:

MAIL FROM:<test at testdomain.com>\r\n
RCPT TO:<deemzed.uk+Junk E-mail>\r\n

501 5.5.4 Invalid.parameters\r\n

I'll try to pare down a full config for doveconf that displays this behaviour if
required, as currently I have sensitive/extraneous information in there, but
this seems fairly cut and dried as a bug to me.


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