spamsieve question

Gerben Wierda gerben.wierda at
Tue Dec 31 12:31:23 EET 2019

My new dovecot covers spam/ham training through the standard Spam_train and Notspam_train mailboxes. When a message is copied (I’m using macOS/iOS standard Apple clients) it triggers the spam/ham learning by rspamd.

So far so good.

When I move a message to Spam_train I’d like it to be removed immediately after learning.
When I move a message to Notspam_train, I’d like it to move back where it came from after having been piped

The first is I think doable, but how? Is the second doable?

Gerben Wierda
Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <>
Mastering ArchiMate <>
Architecture for Real Enterprises <> at InfoWorld
On Slippery Ice <> at EAPJ

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