Dovecot 2.3 no longer accepts ssl_key_password

Stephan Bosch stephan at
Sun Jan 20 14:00:57 EET 2019

Op 15/01/2019 om 08:08 schreef Aki Tuomi:
> On 10.1.2019 6.53, Chris Kiakas wrote:
>> Hit a little problem when I upgraded a system from FreeBSD 10.3 to 11.2. I did not receive any errors in the upgrade. The system is running 4 jails and everything seems to work except in Dovecot dovecot-2.3.4_5 where when using the exact same configuration which worked in 10.3 with the same password protected certificate key. (doveconf -n -P shows the correct password.)
>> ssl_ca = </usr/local/etc/site.keys/
>> ssl_cert = </usr/local/etc/site.keys/name_com.crt
>> ssl_dh = </usr/local/etc/dovecot/dh.pem
>> ssl_key = </usr/local/etc/site.keys/
>> ssl_key_password = keypassword
>> The password works with openssl. Changing the password on the key has no effect. Removing the password on the cert with openssl and running dovecot with the new key works.
>> I installed on another system and I am experiencing the same results. The issue persists whether I install dovecot from ports or pkg. I can't see where the problem is. It seems that Dovecot is unable to read the key when password protected even though it has the correct password. Has anyone experienced this?
> Thanks for reporting this, we'll look into it.

Tracking internally as DOP-851.



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