UNSEEN flag issues with multiple clients

Sami Ketola sami.ketola at dovecot.fi
Wed Oct 2 11:14:44 EEST 2019

> On 1 Oct 2019, at 21.45, John Stoffel via dovecot <dovecot at dovecot.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been bugged by this issue for a while, and while I see that the
> \UNSEEN flag is specified in the RFC to be reset once *any* client
> connects and looks at a mailbox, I was wondering if there's a way to
> change the behavior so that it's tracked on a per-client basis?
> Or if there's even some way to turn it off so that both my iPhone mail
> client and my main emacs viewmail mail client don't stomp over each
> other when looking at my mail folder counts of unread messages.
> My mail server is running Debian 9.11, which has dovecot
> 2.2.27-3+deb9u5 as the version.  I'm only running IMAP, no POP at
> all.

A SELECT INBOX updates \Seen flags, A EXAMINE INBOX does not.

there is no configurable value to change the behaviour. Maybe you can change your client to use EXAMINE instead of SELECT.


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