Sieve and handling multiple addresses

@lbutlr kremels at
Sun Jul 12 17:43:32 EEST 2020

I an trying to write a sieve action that will take mail that is addressed to a user only it is filed in a mailbox (e.g. "Direct") if it is to the email AND to any other email address, then file it in a mailbox named, e.g. "Cc". And if the mail is not addressed to the user at all, sieve does nothing with it.

Message 1: to foo at => Direct

Message 2: to/cc foo at & to/cc to 
	anyone at anydomain.tlf => CC
   Optional: If it contains a specific header like 
	"X-bypass: secret string" => no action

Message 3: NOT to/cc foo at => no action

I've gotten exactly nowhere so far

Something like 

if :allof (header :contains ["to"] [""],
	header :contains ["cc"] [""])

Takes care of the first part of the message 1 and 2 criteria. But then what?

Was it everything you wanted to find? and did you miss me while you
	were looking for yourself out there?

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