Trying to use solr

Shawn Heisey elyograg at
Fri Jul 24 20:33:41 EEST 2020

On 7/22/2020 11:13 AM, Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay wrote:
> On Solr I get this error:
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Exception writing document id 
> 210/9fd7941e8297d25d91600000c3fdd3da/francis at 
> <mailto:210/9fd7941e8297d25d91600000c3fdd3da/francis at> 
> to the index; possible analysis error: cannot change field "box" from 
> index options=DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS to inconsistent index 
> options=DOCS
> Parallel to this, I got some log messages on Solr before attempting to 
> reindex the user (sorry for the garbadged text:
> Time (Local) 	Level 	Core 	Logger 	Message
> 7/22/2020, 6:43:46 PM 	ERROR false 	x:dovecot 	RequestHandlerBase 
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type mismatch: uid was indexed as 

These errors are a LOT longer than what we see here.  It appears that 
you are showing us what you can see in the logging tab of the admin UI 
... you will see far more detail if you find the solr.log file and get 
information from there.  Full detail can be seen on a single log entry 
in the admin UI by clicking on the little "i" icon, but it will close 
again *VERY* quickly, so that's not a very reliable option.

The full detail is usually required for deciphering log messages.

As for the source of the problem ... these look like the kind of errors 
that can be encountered if you complete some indexing with one schema, 
then change the schema without deleting the existing index, 
restart/reload, and try to index more data.  Most changes to the schema 
will require full reindexing, and some changes require actually deleting 
the index directory entirely and allowing it to be rebuilt.  In some 
rare cases, upgrading Solr *might* result in a change to the schema that 
requires deleting the index even though the schema config file itself is 
the same.  I do not know if your setup is one that would be affected in 
this way.

Your question is more appropriate for the solr-user mailing list at 
Apache than this list ... but I did not expect you to know that in 
advance.  I can try to help you.


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