Recommended Protocols?

Joseph Tam jtam.home at
Wed Nov 11 00:44:48 EET 2020

On Mon, 9 Nov 2020, Raymond Herrera wrote:

> I am preparing a new server, with Dovecot 2.2.36 and would like to know the 
> currently recommended protocols. Should I stick to what I have? I would 
> prefer to start with the easiest configuration possible, which I will revise 
> later.
> This is the command that I have been using to verify the server's 
> functionality:
> % openssl s_client -connect localhost:imaps

Implicit SSL (SSL/TLS) has the slight advantage over STARTTLS as a MITM
cannot strip the STARTTLS server banner during the session handshake and
downgrade the client to plaintext.

However the most important security consideration are

 	- set SSL version to at least TLS 1.2 to avoid
 		known weakness in older versions.

 	- set cipher list to avoid weak ciphers.  One of
 	many guides

 	- (client) enforce SSL connection (i.e. refuse plaintext

Joseph Tam <jtam.home at>

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