Vacation sieve explained: how does it work?

Graham Leggett minfrin at
Thu Sep 24 16:25:35 EEST 2020

On 23 Sep 2020, at 21:51, @lbutlr <kremels at> wrote:

> If people cannot deal with a delay of a minute or five, increase the interval to 12 hours, or even better, "changes will take affect at 6am the next business day."
> That'll learn ‘em.

We like our users, and they like us :)

We’re pulling the value of the vacation message like this:

user_attrs = mailMessageStore=home=%$,=mail_auto_reply_mode=%{ldap:mailAutoReplyMode},=mail_auto_reply_text=%{ldap:mailAutoReplyText}

So far the sieve that I have looks like this:


require ["fileinto", "mailbox"];
require ["vacation", "variables"];

# fileinto: for putting mail into a imap folder
# mailbox: for creating imap folder if not exists
if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" {
    # move mail into folder Junk, create folder if not exists
    fileinto :create "Junk";

if string :matches "${mail_auto_reply_mode}" "reply" {
    if header :matches "subject" "*" {
        vacation :subject "AutoReply: ${1}"

And sieve-test looks like this:

sieve-test(root): Debug: sieve: Pigeonhole version 0.5.8 (b7b03ba2) initializing
sieve-test(root): Debug: sieve: include: sieve_global is not set; it is currently not possible to include `:global' scripts.
debug: file storage: Using Sieve script path: /var/lib/dovecot-sieve/default.sieve.
debug: file script: Opened script `default' from `/var/lib/dovecot-sieve/default.sieve'.
debug: Script binary /var/lib/dovecot-sieve/default.svbin successfully loaded.
debug: binary save: not saving binary /var/lib/dovecot-sieve/default.svbin, because it is already stored.

Performed actions:


Implicit keep:

 * store message in folder: INBOX

sieve-test(root): Info: final result: success

Effectively no vacation message was detected.

Is the variable syntax or ${mail_auto_reply_text} correct, or is there a namespace I should be using?


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