Debug: SSL_get_servername() failed

Aki Tuomi aki.tuomi at
Sat Apr 10 12:10:58 EEST 2021

> On 10/04/2021 01:00 Rowan @ Jetboy <rowan at> wrote:
> I've setup Postfix to Dovecot LMTP delivery with mandatory TLS. Emails 
> are being delivered with TLSv1.3 with no errors. However, setting:
> verbose_ssl = yes
> exposes this on each connection:
> lmtp(405619): Debug: SSL_get_servername() failed
> What it this mean, and what should I do about it?

It means client did not request any particular servername. That is not an error, it's a debug message. You can try configure postfix to use DNS name instead of IP, but that said, this message is harmless and can be ignored.


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