What imap ssl/auth settings work best with MS Outlook?

Benny Pedersen me at junc.eu
Fri Apr 30 20:17:44 EEST 2021

On 2021-04-30 09:13, @lbutlr wrote:

> When you enter your email address, it would be TRIVIAL to check the MX
> records for the domain and fill those in for the SMTP and IMAP
> servers, allowing users to more easily add (if needed) the domain
> prefix.

checking mx is simple, but it might not be the right server for imap, 
smtps, submission, this data would be better to check mx domain, and 
then use the mx domain to find srv ports used one this main domain, to 
find what server hosts is for imap, imaps, pop3, pop3s, smtps, 
submission, all that is custommer only ports, and plenty of vps hosters 
abuse this from ther mta setups

> No one does this.

automx2 exists on github trying to be better world, but it needs ssl 
certs for all maildomains, with is imho more complicated then using srv 

this would be more simple for the dns hoster to have all this then add 
all this to hosted domains

> Not a big thing, of course, but a silly omission that is best
> explained by "Nah, if they are going to use real servers, let's not
> make it any easier."

agree, take my hat off as a small esp

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