Can the disable_plaintext_auth setting get overridden for a specific port?

@lbutlr kremels at
Sat May 1 00:55:56 EEST 2021

On 30 Apr 2021, at 11:17, Steve Dondley <s at> wrote:
> In 10-auth.conf, I have "disable_plaintext_auth = yes"
> For port 143, I'd like to do something like this to override that setting:
> service imap-login {
>  inet_listener imap {
>    port = 143
>    disable_plain_text_auth = no
>  }
> }

Are you sure you want to allow insecure plain text easily intercepted trivially hacked connections to your mail server? 

> Based on and it doesn't seem like this is supported. But maybe there is another way to accomplish this?

You are specifically turning off plaintext auth, the is going to do what it says on the tin.

BTW, there is no reasons to turn off plain text auth if you are using SSL as you should be.

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