local_name in dovecot for SNI and wildcard

Alessio Cecchi alessio at skye.it
Wed Oct 20 11:40:49 EEST 2021


in dovecot configuration the options "local_name" can support wildcard 
domain name (es. *.mailserver.com)?

This because we have a wildcard SSL certificate and I prefer to 
specifica a wildcard name instead of single.

Is fine this?

local_name *.mailserver.com {
  ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/ssl/mailserver.com.pem
  ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/ssl/mailserver.com.key

And local_name can support multiple hostname in the same line?

local_name pop.mailserver.com imap.mailserver.com {
  ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/ssl/mailserver.com.pem
  ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/ssl/mailserver.com.key


Alessio Cecchi
Postmaster @ http://www.qboxmail.it

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