Interfacing mutt with Dovecott

Steve Litt slitt at
Mon Jul 18 17:20:25 UTC 2022

Hi all,

All my email for the past 20 years is held on a Dovecot IMAP
server (version (9b53102964)) on my desktop. I've been using
Claws-Mail but want to switch to Mutt.

In the past I've tried this, but Mutt was unreliable in reading folders
from my local Dovecot server. It didn't see a lot of the folders.

I know some people have been very successful running Mutt to access an
IMAP server, so it appears to be possible. How should I run Mutt to
access my Dovecot?

Also, in the past I've used Claws-Mail to admin my Dovecot folders
(make new folders, move folders, etc). I've heard there are one or more
Dovecot provided tools to do this kind of admin. What are the names of
those tools?



Steve Litt 
Summer 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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