Unseen field reported by imap status command returns wrong count for shared mailboxes on dovecot cluster

Nikolaos Pyrgiotis npyrgiotis at modulus.gr
Thu Sep 8 14:47:47 UTC 2022

We recently migrated our mail server to a dovecot cluster of 5nodes, a 
dovecot proxy, 2directors and 2dovecot backends.
All dovecot nodes run version 2.19.1. We use a glusterfs mounted volume 
on the backends forthe mail storage.
We noticed that when issuing the IMAP command to check forUNSEEN 
messages formails on the shared namespace instead of seeing the value of 
the unseen messages of the user that the mailbox has been shared to,
the value of the unseen messages of the owner of the mailbox is returned.
This behavior causes thunderbird when getting new messages forshared 
mailboxes, to show briefly all messages of the mailbox as unseen forthe 
user before showing the correct unseen count forthe shared mailbox.
The mail location of the shared mailboxes is defined with imapc storage 
type as described inthe documentation.
Is this a dovecot bug? Can we configure a different dovecot 
configuration setting so that imap status command reports the correct 
unseen field count when mail location is an imapc storage location?
An examples is given below when running doveadm command from one the 2 
dovecot directors:
When issuing the status command we see that the unseen count is 2:
root at doved0-rmt0-cn1:/etc/cron.d# doveadm mailbox status -u npyrgiotis 
all shared.sysadmins doveadm(npyrgiotis): Info: 
doveadm(npyrgiotis at domie02.com)<19078><9l8IJTb+GWOGSgAAEU9A+w>: 
imapc( Connected to (local shared.sysadmins messages=2 recent=0 uidnext=3 
uidvalidity=1662640492 unseen=2 highestmodseq=3 vsize=3950 
guid=c92f64f79f0d1ed01e6d5b314f04886c firstsaved=1662643853
But when fetching the emails of the mailboxes we can see that the \Seen 
flag is set for both emails
root at doved0-rmt0-cn1:/etc/cron.d# doveadm fetch -u npyrgiotis flags 
mailbox shared.sysadmins ALL doveadm(npyrgiotis): Info: 
doveadm(npyrgiotis at domie02.com)<19074><e7rWDgj+GWOCSgAAEU9A+w>: 
imapc( Connected to (local flags: \Seen flags: \Seen
Below i post the dovecot configuration of one of the two dovecot backends:
# (9b53102964): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# Pigeonhole version 0.5.19 (4eae2f79)
# OS: Linux 5.10.0-17-amd64 x86_64 Debian 11.4
# Hostname: doveb0-rmt0-cn1
auth_cache_negative_ttl = 5mins
auth_cache_size = 50M
auth_debug = yes
auth_default_realm = example.com
auth_master_user_separator = *
auth_mechanisms = plain login
auth_verbose = yes
auth_worker_max_count = 16
disable_plaintext_auth = no
first_valid_uid = 499
hostname = smtp.example.com
imapc_features = fetch-bodystructure fetch-headers rfc822.size search 
modseq acl delay-login
imapc_host =
imapc_password = # hidden, use -P to show it
imapc_sasl_mechanisms = plain login
imapc_ssl = starttls
imapc_ssl_verify = no
last_valid_uid = 499
lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes
lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
login_greeting = You have successfully logged into example.com IMAP server
login_trusted_networks =
mail_always_cache_fields = flags hdr.* date.received date.sent
mail_cache_fields = flags date.received guid size.physical size.virtual 
imap.bodystructure body.snippet
mail_debug = yes
mail_fsync = always
mail_plugins = " notify mail_log zlib acl"
mail_privileged_group = mail
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope 
encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric 
relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify 
environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart extracttext
mdbox_rotate_size = 200M
mmap_disable = yes
namespace example {
list = children
location = imapc:~/shared/%%n:INDEXPVT=~/shared-pvt/%%n
prefix = shared.%%n.
separator = .
subscriptions = no
type = shared
namespace inbox {
inbox = yes
location =
mailbox Drafts {
special_use = \Drafts
mailbox Junk {
special_use = \Junk
mailbox Sent {
special_use = \Sent
mailbox "Sent Messages" {
special_use = \Sent
mailbox Spam.Virus {
auto = subscribe
mailbox Spam {
auto = subscribe
mailbox Trash {
special_use = \Trash
prefix =
separator = .
subscriptions = yes
type = private
passdb {
args = password=#hidden_use-P_to_show#
driver = static
master = yes
override_fields = 
userdb_acl_user=%{auth_user} userdb_namespace/example/disabled=yes
result_success = continue
passdb {
args = password=#hidden_use-P_to_show#
driver = static
override_fields = allow_real_nets=,local,,
result_success = continue
passdb {
args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-users.conf.ext
driver = ldap
passdb {
args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-groups.conf.ext
driver = ldap
plugin {
acl = vfile:/etc/dovecot/global-acls/%d/master-dovecot-acl:cache_secs=300
acl_defaults_from_inbox = yes
acl_globals_only = no
acl_shared_dict = file:/var/dovecot-acl/%d/shared-mailboxes.db
imap_compress_deflate_level = 6
mail_log_events = flag_change
mail_log_fields = uid box flags
sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/sieve/%n.sieve
sieve_before = /var/vmail/global-sieve/global.sieve
sieve_env_email_address = %u
sieve_env_mailbox_prefix = %{userdb:mailbox_prefix}
sieve_global = /var/vmail/sieve
sieve_global_extensions = +editheader +vnd.dovecot.environment
zlib_save = zstd
zlib_save_level = 5
protocols = " imap lmtp sieve submission"
service auth-worker {
user = dovecot
service auth {
unix_listener auth-userdb {
group = mail
mode = 0666
user = vmail
service doveadm {
inet_listener dovadm-dom-mgmt {
address =
port = 8080
ssl = no
inet_listener dovadm-dom {
address =
port = 8080
ssl = no
vsz_limit = 256M
service imap-login {
inet_listener imap-dom {
address =
port = 143
ssl = no
inet_listener imap {
port = 0
inet_listener imaps-dom {
address =
port = 993
ssl = yes
inet_listener imaps {
port = 0
process_limit = 400
process_min_avail = 2
service_count = 20
vsz_limit = 512M
service imap {
process_limit = 2048
process_min_avail = 0
service_count = 1
vsz_limit = 4G
service lmtp {
inet_listener lmtp-dom {
address =
port = 24
ssl = no
process_limit = 0
process_min_avail = 0
service_count = 0
unix_listener lmtp {
mode = 0666
vsz_limit = 256M
service managesieve-login {
inet_listener sieve-dom {
address =
port = 4190
ssl = no
inet_listener sieve {
port = 0
process_limit = 0
process_min_avail = 0
service_count = 0
vsz_limit = 64M
service managesieve {
process_limit = 1024
process_min_avail = 0
service_count = 1
vsz_limit = 256M
service submission-login {
inet_listener submission-dom {
address =
port = 587
ssl = no
inet_listener submission {
port = 0
inet_listener submissions-dom {
address =
port = 465
ssl = yes
process_limit = 250
process_min_avail = 2
service_count = 1
vsz_limit = 256M
service submission {
process_limit = 1024
process_min_avail = 0
service_count = 1
vsz_limit = 256M
ssl = required
ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/doveb0-rmt0-cn1.mail.rmt.example.com.pem
ssl_client_ca_dir = /etc/ssl/certs
ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it
submission_max_mail_size = 30000k
submission_relay_host =
submission_relay_port = 587
submission_relay_ssl = starttls
submission_relay_ssl_verify = no
submission_relay_trusted = yes
userdb {
driver = prefetch
userdb {
args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-users.conf.ext
driver = ldap
userdb {
args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-groups.conf.ext
driver = ldap
protocol lmtp {
mail_plugins = " notify mail_log zlib acl sieve acl"
protocol lda {
mail_plugins = " notify mail_log zlib acl sieve acl"
protocol imap {
mail_max_userip_connections = 100
mail_plugins = " notify mail_log zlib acl"
protocol sieve {
mail_max_userip_connections = 40
protocol submission {
mail_max_userip_connections = 70
local10.101.0.71 {
doveadm_allowed_commands =
doveadm_password = # hidden, use -P to show it
local10.100.1.71 {
doveadm_allowed_commands =
doveadm_password = # hidden, use -P to show it
Thank you,
Nikolaos Pyrgiotis
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